New Dimensions of Individual & Leadership Coaching


Joseph Campbell's the Hero's Journey is a powerful metaphor of leaving a safe and well known place to venture beyond. The power of myth is useful to map both the 'inner and outer' dimensions of life. Myths from around the world can inform the way we work.

My Gallup Leadership Strength's include Ideation, Strategist, Maximizer, Intelligence and Positivity. These are attributes I bring into our sessions as well as a Zulu concept of 'Ubuntu' - translated it means ' I am because we are' or 'humanity towards others'.  All major faiths have this as their core component: Christ says 'Love your neighbour as your self';  Buddhism also teaches about 'Meithreya' or compassion.

I also draw heavily on psychosynthesis psychology  which was founded by Roberto Assagioli. He was an Italian Psychiatrist who founded psychosynthesis and called it the psychology of hope. Currently completing my 2nd year of a MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology.