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The 'Dark' ages were between the 5th and 14th centuries, lasting 900 years. The timeline runs between the fall of the Roman Empire and the the Renaissance period. It was called the 'Dark' ages because it was a time period where there was not great deal of revival in the scientific realm nor in the sphere of arts and culture....

That's the catchphrase of the 21st century meant to ignite your passion so that you can do or be anything you want to be.

Joseph Campbell's the Hero's Journey is a powerful metaphor of leaving a safe and well known place to venture beyond. The power of myth is useful to map both the 'inner and outer' dimensions of life. Myths from around the world can inform the way we work.

The concept of a human being having a soul is not restricted to the Christian concept of having a spirit or the inner man but can be found throughout all cultures. The Italian poet Dante Aligheri writes of his guide Virgil as he descends into hell, explores the fires of purgatory and then eventually rises to paradise where he first...

I began to experience numinous or spiritual experiences at the age of around seven years of age and didn't know what they were . I didn't tell anyone as I thought it was normal.

I find art a very therapeutic space to express what is inside of me. You do not have to be an artist to work with me to explore spirituality in this medium but it an avenue of connecting to the unconscious. I often use candles, meditations, prayer or recite a verse from a holy book to begin contemplation. This...

I love cooking and sampling food from lots of cultures. Here's a picture of Jewel rice I made for an event. The recipe originating from the middle east is full of flavours with saffron, herbs and orange peel and sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Rice is common to other cultures like China, India and Sri Lanka. However it is a very...

I like Sieger Koder paintings like the one above of the last supper. It speaks to me of the sheer humanity of the participants at the round table. The image conjures up images of scenes which could be typical of a work place boardroom, a birthday party, a family gathering and any other types of settings which you conjure...